On May 23, 2012, the Maryland Board of Public Works approved an additional $187,500,000 in funding for school construction projects in the next fiscal year. This additional funding increases the total figure for Fiscal Year 2013 to $349,167,088, which is more than $85,000,000 that was approved for Fiscal Year 2012.
Although several county school boards received significantly less than what was requested, many school officials are hoping that the additional money will assist with renovations to aging schools throughout the State and with new schools slated for construction. State officials are also hoping that the additional funding will stimulate the construction industry in Maryland.
Below is a list of the amounts requested by each of the local education authorities and the amounts approved by the Board of Public Works for Fiscal Year 2013:
Local Education Authority Amount Requested Amount Approved
Allegany $741,000.00 $741,000.00
Anne Arundel $42,041,526.00 $33,300,000.00
Baltimore County $70,028,070.00 $43,300,000.00
Calvert $7,018,100.00 $7,018,100.00
Caroline $700,000.00 $350,000.00
Carroll $14,336,605.00 $12,747,549.00
Cecil $1,514,000.00 $1,514,000.00
Charles $8,200,000.00 $8,000,000.00
Dorchester $0.00 $0.00
Frederick $37,141,000.00 $19,091,541.00
Garrett $0.00 $0.00
Harford $15,706,610.00 $14,511,610.00
Howard $37,738,000.00 $32,490,000.00
Kent $0.00 $0.00
Montgomery $184,521,000.00 $43,106,000.00
Prince George’s $57,662,837.00 $40,375,288.00
Queen Anne’s $0.00 $0.00
St. Mary’s $2,314,000.00 $2,314,000.00
Somerset $0.00 $0.00
Talbot $0.00 $0.00
Washington $9,418,000.00 $9,000,000.00
Wicomico $12,070,000.00 $10,808,000.00
Worcester $0.00 $0.00
Baltimore City $74,582,000.00 $42,600,000.00
Md. School for the Blind $8,769,000.00 $2,800,000.00
Energy Initiative $0.00 $25,000,000.00
Statewide $0.00 $100,000.00
TOTALS $584,501,748.00 $349,167,088.00
Source: Maryland Board of Public Works website – http://www.bpw.state.md.us/static_files/PSCP%202013%20CIP%20BPW%20May%2023%202012.pdf